POC is one of the very small number of best technical 'hacking' conferences in the world. POC really hates such a topic with a tempting title but nothing in it.
POC doesn't place any restrictions on topic. However, POC requests something specific as well as general. If you presented your topic in the past, POC will not accept your paper. POC wants only something new, creative, and cool. All speakers should show 'real' demo(attack) to prove his theory.
- There's no restrictions in topic.
(Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android, Browser, Virtualization, AI, Cloud, Hardware, AV, Network, Malware, APT, Web, Crypto...)
Deadline of Submission: October 5
All submission must include a detailed abstract file in English with your brief biography.
E-mail for submission:"pocadm at gmail.com"
Selected Speakers' Privileges
- Speaking fee
- etc