Early Bird(9.1 ~ 9.30) Late(10.1 ~ 10.25) On Site(Cash Only) Benefits
STUDENT 300,000 400,000 500,000 ‣ Lunch
REGULAR 800,000 900,000 1,000,000 ‣ Lunch
‣ Day 2 party & Drinking Hell(optional)
FOREIGNER $800 $900 $1,000 ‣ Lunch
‣ Day 2 party & Drinking Hell

  • 현장등록에서는 카드 결제가 되지 않습니다. 현금 결제만 가능합니다(계산서 발행 가능)
  • If you are a reporter and want to get a free ticket, you must get prior approval via e-mail.
  • Detailed information for attendees will be provided via email.


  • 'Students' ticket is only for undergraduate and graduate without job.

  • Student must send his/her student ID card via email before paying reistration fee.

  Participation Certificate

  • If you want a participation certificate, contact us after POC

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